
Mini Tall and Skinny Ridged Log Mould is a rigid self standing soap mould that is the little brother of our regular Tall and Skinny Soap Mould .  An excellent option for hand soaps or wedding bonbonniere favours or just testing the waters with new designs you would rather try on a small scale first.

Cavity length: 15cm
Cavity Width: 5cm
Cavity depth: 7.5cm
Capacity: 500ml (please note: not 500gm)

Unmould by releasing your soap from each of the 4 sides carefully, invert and press gently on the base to allow the release of the underside.  If you can allow a little air in through the sides it will speed the process. 

If making cold process soap in this mould we would suggest an addition of 10gm sodium lactate to aid easy release, leave in the mould for 48 hours and an experienced soaper can include a water discount.