Silicone moulds are amazing for their resilience and ease of unmoulding

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Bulb Cactus Embed Column Mould

Bulb Cactus Embed Column Mould

Bulb Cactus Embed Column Mould can add a fun surprise to the centre of a soap.  The bulb cactus embed is often found on the plains of soap but can also be an attractive addition...
Cactus Embed Column Mould

Cactus Embed Column Mould

Cactus Embed Column Mould can add a fun surprise to the centre of a soap.  The cactus embed is often found standing proud in a desert of soap, but can also  be an attractive...
Butterfly Embed Column Mould

Butterfly Embed Column Mould

Butterfly Embed Column Mould can add a fun surprise to the middle of a soap, be an attractive addition to the top of a soap, or be sliced thinly for...
Christmas Tree Embed Column Mould

Christmas Tree Embed Column Mould

Christmas Tree Embed Column Mould can add a fun surprise to the centre of a soap.  The Christmas Tree embed is often seen standing proud in a field of soap but can also be an...
Cloud Embed Column Mould

Cloud Embed Column Mould

Cloud Embed Column Mould will create a cloud that you can embed in your soap log, or slice to decorate the top of your creation for special effect.  Think of...
Clover Embed Column Mould

Clover Embed Column Mould

Clover Embed Column Mould can add a fun surprise to the centre of a soap.  The clover embed is often seen scattered through a bar, or a centrepiece in a soap, but can also be...
Dinosaur Embed Column Mould

Dinosaur Embed Column Mould

Dinosaur Embed Column Mould can add a fun surprise to the centre of a soap.  The dinosaur embed is often found prowling the plains of soap but can also be an attractive addition on...
Dolphin Embed Column Mould

Dolphin Embed Column Mould

Dolphin Embed Column Mould can add a fun surprise to the centre of a soap.  The dolphin embed is often found somewhere in the sea of soap but can also be an attractive addition on...
Duck Embed Column Mould

Duck Embed Column Mould

Duck Embed Column Mould allows you to place the entire little log within your mould, or slice it up and use the cute ducks for decorations on the top of your...
Flower Embed Column Mould

Flower Embed Column Mould

Flower Embed Column Mould can add a fun surprise to the centre of a soap.  The flower embed is often found near the bottom of a soap but can also be an attractive...
Gesture Embed Column Mould

Gesture Embed Column Mould

Gesture Embed Column Mould can add a fun surprise to the centre of a soap.  The "gesture" embed is often found standing proud in a bar of soap but can also be an attractive addition on...
Lips Embed Column Mould

Lips Embed Column Mould

Lips Embed Column Mould can put a smile on any dial with its cute little pucker.  Add these embeds through your soap loaf, or slice and decorate the tops to...
Maple Leaf Embed Column Mould

Maple Leaf Embed Column Mould

Maple Leaf Embed Column Mould can add a fun surprise to the centre of a soap.  The leaf embed is often seen in garden scenes or autumnal soaps but can also be...
Mermaid Embed Column Mould

Mermaid Embed Column Mould

Mermaid Embed Column Mould will help bring a little mysterious siren who will add wonder to any soap.  Add these embeds through your soap loaf, or slice and decorate the...
Moon Embed Column Mould

Moon Embed Column Mould

Moon Embed Column Mould can add a fun surprise to the centre of a soap.  The moon embed is often found near the top of a soap but can also be an...
Palm Tree Embed Column Mould

Palm Tree Embed Column Mould

Palm Tree Embed Column Mould can add a fun surprise to the centre of a soap.  The Palm Tree embed is often seen standing beside a beach of soap but can also be an attractive addition on...